Before you start using Photoshop, there are some tips that may be useful to you which still lay.
• To learn how to use the tool from the toolbox that are active, watch the status bar (at bottom). The status bar will display instructions on how to use tools in combination with the keyboard keys (Ctrl, Alt, Shift, etc.)
• Shortcut (hotkey), execute certain commands directly via the keyboard are often used:
o Full screen (F),
o Hiding and showing palettes, options bar and toolbox (Tab)
o Using the Move Tool temporarily (Ctrl)
o Canceling the selection (Ctrl D)
o invert selection (Ctrl Shift I
With only the basic operations mentioned earlier, the resulting work is still limited and not necessarily satisfactory. For example, to draw the color gold, crystal, lighting effects lenses, etc., may be difficult. For that Photoshop provides functionality effects, among others:
• Blending Mode, determines the result of mixing the colors in the image. Changing the type of blending modes will produce different colors. Can be changed through the layers palette, or example: Normal, dissolve, Darken, etc..
• Layer Style, set the style applied to a layer. Can be accessed through the Layer menu |Layer Style |. You can manipulate further including applying styles, save styles the style palette.
• Filter, used to create certain effects (special effects) automatically on the picture. there is 14 built-in filters in Photoshop, including: Artistic, Blur, Brush Strokes, Distort, Noise, Pixelate, Render, Sharpen, Sketch, Stylize,Texture, Video, Other, and Digimarc.)