August 24, 2012

How SMS / MMS/Video Streaming on Cell Phone Work?

Various innovations being coded in the mobile world, the introduction of such innovations ultimately let the phone no longer works just for voice communications, but also can serve for a number of purposes such as:
  • SMS (Short Message Service)
  • MMS (Multimedia Message Service)
  • Video Streaming
How SMS / MMS work?
SMS is really a messaging application specified by ETSI standard (, the documentation GSM 3:40  and GSM 3:38. SMS or MMS applications possess a way of working together there is merely a difference in the type of data that's carried SMS text messages, while MMS can contain sound, images, video (multimedia).
When we receive SMS / MSM from cell phones (mobile originated) message isn't sent directly to a mobile destination (mobile terminated), but it's sent first to the SMS Center (SMSC) that is usually located in the telephone operator's office, then your message is forwarded to the destination mobile.
With the SMSC, we are able to know the status of SMS messages which have been sent, or whether it needs to fail. If the destination cell phone is switched on and can receive SMS messages sent, it sends back a confirmation message towards the SMSC stating that the message has been received. SMSC then sends the status to the sender. If the destination mobile is off, the content we send will be kept in the SMSC until the validity period is met. Validity implies that a grace period it's time given the sender until the message could be received by the recipient, it may be set on our mobile phones ranging from 1 hour - a lot more than 1 day.
How Video Streaming Work?
This application may be the latest technology that was carried with a mobile phone. With the services supplied by mobile operators, the nature of real-time information can be obtained such as the news from television as well as traffic conditions specified in those places. Application overview that lists various kinds of mobile technology that people sometimes refer to it as technology 2.5 G. Video streaming is really a multimedia service that can be accessed by mobile users with mobile data communication technology
The application would be that the computer technology is categorized like a client-server network. This means that the client (mobile user) requests (request) towards the server (operator) to send the information in this material are multimedia (audio, video). Materials (content) from the operator or service provider to set up the material into the service applications that may then be accessed by mobile users. These components may include video and audio files that are operating in real time means that the actions happened as well as accessible as traffic conditions on the highway in Jakarta has mounted camera and transmitted towards the operator who then accessed by mobile users. So that you can access it needed a phone by having an operating system like Symbian, there are applications GPRS and RealOne Flayer