Network usage by the public will lead to the emergence of social issues, ethics, politics, and economics are inevitable. The Internet has entered the lives of people all over, everyone can use regardless of their social status, age, gender as well.
Internet usage will not cause any problems as long as the subject is limited to technical topics, education or hobby, are also things that are still within the norms of life, but trouble began to appear when a site on the internet has a very interesting topic of people's attention, such as political conflict, religion, sex, etc.
Computer's network connection / internet will also cause serious economic problems if the technology is used by certain parties-parties who want to take personal advantage but detrimental to other parties, such as carding activity, illegally download commercial software etc..
The pictures posted profiles on internet sites may be something unusual for half people, but very annoying for some others .
In addition, the form of the messages are not limited to textual messages only. High-resolution color photos and even short videoclip now can be easily distributed over computer networks.
Some people may be indifferent, but for some other mounting material (eg pornography) is something that is unacceptable.
July 30, 2012
Sosial-Problems Arising from Computer Network (internet)
Social Impact