July 26, 2011

Concepts About Bitmap on Graphic Design

Bitmap Inside the picture represents, the computer has two methods, namely bitmap and vector graphics.  Known a raster display, using colored dots known because pixel. The pixels are placed at certain locations with individual color values, which altogether form a  Press the image showing. One of the advantages of the bitmap display can show the subtlety of gradations shadow and shade of an image. The disadvantage could be the dependence view of the large or small resolution images. The lesser resolution images it will customize the quality of the display. Meanwhile, if we use the resolution an image for the maximum, it will result in a a picture quality "Sharp". However, the consequences when we use a large resolution, this may affect the speed of the computer in the act of work.
Below are some terms connected with a bitmap:
If we look at photos or images on your computer the picture is real can be a collection of thousands of the points is quite small and each each point has certain colors. The points which are commonly known as pixels. Each pixel has one color and join another pixels to form a pattern and provide an image. Pictures like this are nearly impossible made by human hands.
Imagine how complicated just to create a straight line, when it must be done by putting dots neatly prearranged manually. Therefore, the image or even the ones we see are usually made by machines such as cameras, monitors, televisions, computer, movie projectors, scanners, printers, etc.
The amount of pixels per centimeter referred to as the resolution. That is certainly what determines the resolution the standard of the images produced. Images that individuals see in general computer features a resolution of 72 pixels per inch or dpi abbreviated. For sample images measuring one square centimeter can be thinking about a 72 X 72 = 5184 points or pixels. For instance image is extended from 1 cm to 10 cm square square the entire number of pixels is fixed ie 5184 pixels that changed will be the resolution, ie 5184: 100 = 5.184 pixel per cm. Implies that if an image is enlarged then a resolution will be smaller and cause images to become sharp. The higher the resolution associated with an image it will the higher the ability .
Figure - 1 resolution of 30 dpi magnified 7 times
Figure - 2 resolution of 70 dpi magnified 7 times
The pixels that comprise the color image has a specific color and amount of colors that may be owned by a photo called intensity. Usually known term 256 colors, high color, 16 million colors (true color) shades of gray (grayscale), in addition to black and white (black & white).
The greater the number of colors in an image then a resulting image will be more fine. The most number of colors of the image is seen from the type of file. Guess that an image file extension. jpg could have a maximum of 16 million colors, or perhaps a file with extension. gif has 256 most of colors.