The results were good image manipulation basically made by performing operations basis in a particular order. Here are some basic operations that are often used:
1. Selection, is used to select the area of the image to be edited. Thus, manipulation performed on the image will only affect the selected portion only.
- Marquee Tool: Rectangular (rectangular selection), Elliptical (selection elliptical and circular), Single Row (selection one line with one pixel high) and Single Column (selection one column to the width of one pixel)
- Magic Wand Tool, make a selection based on the state of automatic image color image itself. Portion of the image has the same color (or almost equal) will selected.
- Lasso Tool make a selection based on mouse movements.
- Polygonal: polygon selection.
- Magnetic: selection based on mouse gestures combined with the color in the picture.
- Mask, channels and paths, are used to manipulate further selection (save selection, load selection, selection by gradation, etc.).
- Guide, Grid and Ruler, used to have more selection easy to make and have ccuracy.
2. Writing, is used to create text in the image. You can use the Type Tool horizontal (horizontal writing), vertical (vertical writing), horizontal mask (selection with horizontal writing), and vertical mask (selection with vertical writing).To manipulate letters and paragraphs further, you can use the Character palette and Paragraph.
3. Drawing, used for drawing.
- Pencil Tool, producing images like pencil strokes.
- Brush Tool, produces an image brush. Air brush option on the option bar making brush tool works like spray paint. Adoption at a place on a continuous basis resulting in more colors (spread) to the saturation point (no change again). The size and shape can be changed through the brush option bar.
- History Brush Tool and Art History Tool, producing images form a brush combined with history (the previous step)
- Draw a shape; Rectangle Tool (rectangle), Rounded Rectangle Tool (square bake with obtuse angle), Ellipse Tool (circles and ellipses),Polygon Tool (polygons), Line Tool (line), and the Custom Shape Tool (form complex).
- Path: vector drawing curves (not bitmap) either open or closed. Shape the path can be further modified by changing the position and direction of the segments and hooks.