April 24, 2012

Topology Types of the PC Network

Network topology in telecommunications is a way to connect telecommunications equipment to each other to form a network. In a telecommunications network, the topology of the selected type will affect the speed of communication. For that it is necessary to observe the advantages / benefits and disadvantages / disadvantages of each topology topology based on their characteristics based on its characteristics. This is the type or kind of topology of the network
Bus topology
Bus topology is a topology widely used in the cable uses sepaksi mushroomed. By using T-Connector (with a 50ohm terminator on the end of the network), then the computer or other network devices can be easily connected to each other.
The main difficulty of using sepaksi cable is difficult to gauge whether a used cable sepaksi actually matching or not. Because if not actually measured properly will damage the NIC (network interface card) that is used and the performance of the network becomes blocked, do not reach maximum capacity. This topology is also commonly used in fiber optic networks with base (which later merged with a star topology to connect with a client or a node.).
At the two ends of the bus topology network must be terminated with a terminator. Barrel connector can be used to extend it. Network consists of only one cable channel BNC cables. Computer you want to connect to the network can associate himself with men Ethernetnya tap along the cable.
Bus network installation is very simple, inexpensive and consists of a maximum of 5-7 computers. Difficulties often faced is the possibility of data collisions due to the mechanism is relatively simple network nodes and if one breaks it will disrupt the entire network performance and traffic
Topology Ring
The topology is a ring-shaped network topology point circuits each connected to two other points, so as to form a circular path forming a ring. In ring topology, data communications can be disrupted if a single point disorder. FDDI networks anticipate this weakness by sending data clockwise and counter-clockwise simultaneously. Ring topology is used in networks that have high performance, network bandwidth for time-sensitive features such as video and audio, or when performance is needed when the computer is connected to the network in large numbers.
Star Topology
Star topology is used in dense networks, when an endpoint can be reached directly from a central location, the need for network expansion, and require high reliability. This topology is an arrangement that uses more wires than the bus and because of all the computers and devices connected to central point. So if there is one computer or device is damaged then it will not affect the other (network).
Topology Tree
Network topology is also called multilevel network topology. This topology is commonly used for interconnection of central with a different hierarchy. For the lower hierarchy depicted on the location of low and getting higher up the hierarchy have. This type of network topology is used in the computer network system.
Mesh Topology
Topology netting or mesh topology is a form of relationship between devices where each device is connected directly to other devices on the network. As a result, the mesh topology each device can communicate directly with the target device (dedicated links).
Thus the maximum number of connections between devices on a network  topology mesh can be calculated that as many as n (n-1) / 2. In addition, because each device can be connected to other devices on the network, each device must have as many as n-1 Port Input / Output (I / O ports).