Here the role of ICT in various areas of human life:
1. Field of Flight
Schedule a flight (flight scheduling).
Set the flight schedule changes suddenly (itinerary change).
Set up online ticket sales system and flight (real-time reservation).
Set up communication systems for aircraft pilots on what to do (flight progress checks).
2. Banking Sector
Set the service to the customer accounts.
Provides automated teller machine or automatic teller machines (ATMs). With this device, the banks can provide convenience to its customers to make transactions even during holidays.
3. Trade Sector
Provides network systems connected through the auxiliary scanner (scanner).
Provides tools for consumers to check prices.
4. Field Offices
Provides automatic telephone answering machine.
Provide word processing tool with a machine such as telex and fax communication.
5. Future home
The role of ICT in the future based on the availability of home automation is a monitoring tool that can notify the danger of theft, fire and gas leak. It works automatically and is governed via a phone line.
February 20, 2012
Role of ICT in Various Areas of Human Life