The times indeed bring considerable influence on the industry in terms of building technology that helps people to do everything. It can not be denied if all people are now using it and each individual using a variety of existing technologies. Modernization a technology to bring the human race to success in information retrieval and knowledge that never end. Because of that, people are certainly aware of the importance of ICT in their life as a supporter or guidelines for activity, science, entertainment, and others. Ease is subsequently leads man at this stage of the dynamic process. Competitors also tried to launch the technology advanced system that many followers who joined the demonstration.
With the ease of it, lest we abuse it because it can be bad in the formation of character, thoughts, words and behavior. Therefore, people should be careful to use any existing programs or sites to avoid unwanted. The use of communications technology certainly has an effect of good and bad in terms of its use. At that time, facebook or twitter is still a first for the community. However, the possibility of a few more years the experts will try to make the latest innovations and unique again. Definitely a time there was a program that will launch the latest version so that more devotees are using.
If when I became the expert in it in the manufacture or launch the latest innovations related to ICT or information and communications technology, then I will create the latest innovations such as a mobile phone that can be used outside and within the country. It would be very easy for people to not continue change card or number. Mobile cell phone is just like the other. What distinguishes it is located on a card system is more flexible, convenient, and safe for use. Ease that can help people to remain in communication even cover a great distance. The surplus also is like a mobile phone that can be carried and activated in flight. Usually other HP can not or are not allowed to turn on the plane, because of changes in technology that are more modern, so that a cell phone can be kept alive and used under any circumstances it.
The other thing which is one of the advantages of this mobile phone is that we can use the phone while at Pertamina or another gas. Such a device would not be dangerous because already have safely coatings that help reduce or even eliminate the hazard. While there is little danger that arises, but this phone will not damage the system or network. Cost issues for mobile phones is also classed as affordable because the price on the market price of HP, ranging from two to four million. This card also provides internet access services that are able to instantly active in our HP. So, we can access the internet in our HP with the help of this magic card. In addition, these magical cards also have high levels of radiation so low that it will not harm for all people, including babies though. Hence, the tool is very promising men of the various needs that are more complete and easier.
However, this phone also has some shortcomings. The mobile phone is very large, making it difficult man to bring it everywhere. With its large size allows people to bring a bag or purse to carry anywhere. Sometimes, we also experienced difficulty in finding a network. If the card had been spelled magic contained in this HP can be accessed and used in international countries. Due to a very wide range also allows the process of network either too hard to find. However, do not despair because if the network is improved, then we can still use it in normal circumstances.
It's so easy to live in this modern century and super sophisticated communication technology and information. Ease this should not make us lazy and private figure continue to rely on technology. We also must be able to be balanced and use any existing facilities wisely. The use of existing technologies all depend on the person of each individual. When in use it wisely, it will be a good example. And vice versa. In Indonesia alone, if the use of mobile phones has been launched, let us build a positive attitude will be the use of technology.
February 28, 2012
Innovation of Communication Era