Palapa Ring is a network backbone (back bone) for telecommunications in Indonesia. Palapa Ring is a continuation of the development of the National Fiber Optic Ring (CSO-N) was initiated by PT Tiara Titian Telecommunications (TT-T) before (Jafar, 2007). Indonesia Government use Palapa Ring to name a communication infrastructure development projects. Palapa Ring is a development project of national optical fiber network that will reach 33 provinces, 440 districts in cities throughout Indonesia with a total length of 35.280 kilometers of submarine cables reaching and 21.807 kilometers on land (Ahniar & Kurniawan, 2011). Palapa Ring Project is a network of fiber optic project that was started by the government and Carried out by a number of telecommunication companies in Indonesia.
Palapa Ring Development is intended to accelerate the nationwide telecommunications access. Indonesia is an archipelago that require communication channels between islands. With an area of Indonesia that is not small, the investment required to complete the project is also not small. Fiber optic networks are not just a connector islands in Indonesia, but also rings the island. Value of the project was initially estimated to be worth U.S. $ 300 million (Yuliastuti & Rurit, 2007). Palapa Ring project is the first example of an optical fiber network infrastructure projects are implemented through the mechanism of "public-private partnership" (public-private partnerships) in Indonesia (Sinaga, 2009).