Wap emerged in 1997. It was an effort to allow Internet-like services within the GSM System and to avoid a situation where different commercial actors would develop separate standard. Thus was based on the cooperation of phone.com, nokia, Ericsson and Motorola to produce a license-free protocol. WAP was commercialized in 1999 amid agree deal of hype. WAP alos suffered in comparison to priority I –mode system. With the introduction of higher-speed General packet Radio Service (GPRS), broader access to WAP capable teminals ans more sober expectations, WAP has found a somewhat limited role in the mobile telephoen firmament (Lindmark 2001)
The final system of note here is the DoCoMo I-mode system in Japan . I-mode provides acces to variety of services and allows one to send and receive short messages as well as email. The iMode standard specifies a “lite version of HTML, tghe coding used internet. This facilities the development of Web-like sites.DoCoMo provides developers with has access a type of style book guarantees a similar layout for the different sites
Mobile communication is moving in the direction of broader types of access and new forms of comunication. Wireless local are network , handset that include internet browsers and increased speed in the network are being commercialized. In addition , new forms of messaging that include the exchange of photographs and sound are moving into market. In spite of this, the fundamental services of person to person communication, based primary on simultaneous voice communication but also on asynchronous text messages are central to the popular use of mobile telephony more than pager.
Finaly , mobile telephony allow for development of location transmission services that , in turn, open the way for geographical positioning, the ability to find the location of various services.etc. imagine being able to call up a map showing the physical location of your friend (hopefully only those friends who given permission)(Ling 2002)
Thus , mobile telephony has grown from being a rather ponderous and awk-ward system to being an easily a transported part of everyday life. Is functionality has grown beyond simple communication to a system that allowe for the communication of txt, access to the internet, the capturing an sending of images and the distribution of the location-sensitive information