October 25, 2011

OpenOffice History

Before becoming OpenOffice.org suit it is proprietary software developed by StarDivision StarOffice, a German software company. StarOffice code then bought Sun Microsystems in 1999 and in August 1999 version of StarOffice 2.5 product built from StarDivision then released Sun to meet the needs of the public.
On July 19, 2000, Sun Microsystems announced the availability of the source code (source code) to be loaded down StarOffice (download) with the provisions of the LGPL license and a license from Sun Industry Standards Source License (SISSL) with the aim of forming a community of open source developers around the StarOffice software. Welcomed it, on October 13, 2000 formed the project to this day known as OpenOffice.org.
Great work pioneered this particular project since the beginning of 2004 is working on OpenOffice.org version 5.0 with clear aims, namely: increased interoperabiliti with 'microsoft office'; improve performance with increased speed and memory consumption cut. Unless it increased scripting capabilities; better integration specifically with GNOME; providing front-end to a data source needed for preparing reports, kinds and queries; including offering a built-in SQL database, and is undoubtedly an improvement in terms of usability. Therefore, the beta version of OpenOffice Two.0 can be released upon March 4, 2005.
Sun's rays announced the abolition of the permit SISSL on September 2, 2006 and as a consequence: OpenOffice.org from next impose a single license LGPL, GPL is really a license that is free while using option that allows commercialization.
On April 20, 2005, OpenOffice.org Only two.0 officially launched for that benefit of the public at large. Two months later, followed by the release involving OpenOffice.org 2.0.One particular update directly to bulldoze all the pests (bugs) that was discovered fo the time being, while some of the new features added.
Additionally, we briefly OpenOffice.org straight into OOo. OOo equalizes 6 pieces of supporting programs, namely:

OOo Writer, the word processor (like Microsoft Word)
OOo Calc, a spreadsheet (like Microsoft Excel)
OOo Impress, for a percentage (like Microsoft Power Point)
OOo Base, a database application (like Microsoft Access)
OOo Draw, to create an image (like Corel Draw)
OOo Math, to write a formula (similar to Microsoft Equation)