September 07, 2011

How to Select Based Operating Systems

Comparing criteria - the criteria of the two server operating systems that we will represent between Linux (Ubuntu Server with a Linux distro example) and Microsoft Windows (Windows Advanced Server 2008). The reason we compare the two operating systems are Windows and Linux as the operating system are two of the most widely used in the servers. You can of course also use other operating systems, such as families such as BSD Unix, AS400, HPUX, Solaris, etc.. nor is Apple Server.
Ideal Ways In Choosing Based Operating Systems (Linux or Windows):
Investment Value
The investment value of a server operating system is often a major consideration for a company to choose. In this situation, companies often argue that Linux is far more profitable than Windows because Linux is open source operating system and a connotation (especially in Indonesia) that Open Source is free software. It could be a consideration, although not entirely true. There are some free means free Linux (such as Ubuntu and Debian), but the word 'Free' in open source is actually meant in the sense of 'free' software that the user is entitled to open and modify the source code of the software.
From price considerations, we can vote as follows:
1. Price of the operating system,
The Linux operating system has the advantage away from Windows, Linux prices ranging from 0 (free) to far below Microsoft Windows Server ($ 950 for 5 clients and $ 3800 for 25 clients).
2. Cost of training in the use of operating systems,
Because many people may already have experience of using Microsoft Windows, chances here companies need to pay to train people or looking for someone special to administer a Linux server. However, it should be noted that currently administering a Linux operating system much easier than in time - past and administer Windows in the server environment is much different than in the desktop environment, so do not rule out the possibility that you do not need to train people to administer Windows Server environment.
3. Installation costs into the server operating system,
installation of a server is very different than the installation of a desktop system. There are a lot of configuration to do, should weigh well the automated tasks that need to be set, so if there is a cost in terms of patching. On this side, Linux and Windows can be the same cost, but also can not cost Linux installer if you are used to doing it.
4. Cost of maintenance support,
In Linux if you intend to do the maintenance yourself you can assume that it's free, you are only limited payroll admin. If not, then the cost can you switch to support each - each vendor, namely to Microsoft, or to your Linux vendor.
5. Cost of upgrades,
Again, this depends on your choice. In the Windows environment typically downloaded Service Pack free, but upgrading to a newer Windows Server once again represents a significant investment. If you choose Ubuntu, everything is free.
From this experience we stated that Linux has an advantage. The author has experience that Linux can work well and never restarted for several years while Windows is rarely achieve a comparable stability. If your server environment requires the highest possible accessibility, short Linux is the best solution. It should also be remembered that this whole Linux has been no significant virus and meaningful, while the security of Windows have significant drawbacks.
Hardware Support
Here many people say that the reason they chose Microsoft Windows is that Linux does not support the new hardware and updated. It is in fact no longer the case for the writer. Perhaps some very special hardware (such as some new video controller card) is not supported on Linux, but usually it is not too powerful for the utility server itself. Instead of a variety of the author's experience, the ease of installation of Linux generating hardware - hardware that is detected automatically - search for driver CD into things that do not happen again in Linux.
Application Support
Application Support: is a matter that often the reason why people choose Linux for servers because of the many applications that originally was designed for server environments:
1. Firewall,
has become part of the operating system kernel and regulated by the iptables command line. Also lots of interfaces such as easy to set up iptables ufw, firestarter, smoothwall, and many others.
2. Backup application,
In Windows there are many solutions, from software could be Windows itself (Windows Backup) and software - 3rd party software. In too many Linux backup software, as do the tar and rsync. On the Linux side we think is superior.
3. Scheduled tasks,
Scheduled Tasks in Windows there, and in Linux there Cron. Frankly Cron is much more powerful than the Scheduled Tasks.
4. Server Applications,
Linux is far superior, because it is usually much more stable applications and more. Examples: Apache Web Server, BIND9 DNS Server, Samba Server, DHCP Server, CVS Server, Subversion, Iproute, MySQL Server, Postgres Server, and countless others.
Operating System Features
Features Operating System once again, depending on the usability of Linux servers here usually has the advantages that include:
1. Remote administration
Linux is superior here because almost anything can be done to control the server via ssh (Secure Shell). When you need a GUI, then you can install VNC Server. In Windows you will depend on the GUI only.
2. Programming language support:
In Linux you can use PHP, Perl, Python, Java, Ruby, C, C + + and is still very much else. In Windows you can use almost only VB and C #, but you can also use the other but having to install the environment first.
3. Ease of use:
On the Windows habit may be superior, but it is highly associated with remote administration feature that was already held by Linux, so at least - at least we should give the same value between the two operating systems.