July 11, 2011

Technology for Commerce and Trade Sector (e-commerce)

Electronic Comerce (E-commerce) or electronic commerce is the trade done with use of telecommunications networks, especially the Internet. The Internet allows people or organizations that are at distances can communicate at a low cost. It is then used to trade.
There are many forms of trade conducted electronically today, including: Internet Banking, purchasing and provision of goods, shop online and so on. E-commerce benefit both the company and the customer (customer).
Gains derived by companies such as like below.
1) Trade electronically allows the company to sell its products to more people. In other words, companies can reach out to a wider market. For example, American companies or stores can sell products to people in Japan.
2) The company does not have to open many branches of distribution.
3) Reduce the cost the company, because the company does not need to provide a large store and employees are many.
4) Since the company incurred costs can be reduced, then the price of the goods can be sold at a lower level. As a result, more and more consumers are able to reach the price of the goods. Goods become more salable.
5) Goods sold are cheaper to increase the competitiveness of companies.
While consumers  obtained as follows.
1) Consumers do not need to go to the store to get stuff, just to the Internet and order items, the goods will transfer to the home.
2) Buyers can save time and transportation costs shopping.
3) Having more choices, it can compare all the products on the Internet.
4) Can buy goods contained in any other country, that man in the country may be available.
5) Prices of goods that are bought will be lower.
Now there are many companies that use e-commerce to support their efforts. Even some companies specializing in electronic trading only and not trading in the conventional (regular). In Indonesia, electronic trading has also been started. Some websites specifically set up as a website to sell stuff. Some examples include: glodokshop.com, apotikonline.com and much more.
E-commerce is a dynamic set of technologies, applications, and processes that connect corporate flying businesses, consumers and communities through electronic transactions and trade in goods, information services which will be conducted electronically. " On the internet, you can also make buying and selling of goods. Now on the internet there are many online stores. Physically, they are not a store in the truest sense. They only provide a web site, and through this website you can order certain items on them. Let's say you want to buy a car. You can just fill the form, write the specifications that you want to buy a car and hit the buy (buy). Payments made by credit card (via the internet as well). A few days later, the car you ordered is delivered to your home.