July 14, 2011

Information Technology History

In 1830 people are familiar with the computer program. Lady Augusta Byron first write computer programs in collaboration with Charles Babbage. They use analytical engine. Analytical engine with a program designed to be able to receive the data, process the data and produce output in the form of a card. Furthermore, these machines are known as the first form of digital computer although how it works is more mechanical than that is digital. This machine is the forerunner of the first digital computer ENIAC I in 94 years later.
In the year 1837 was marked by the delivery of information technology. Samuel Morse developed the telegraph and Morse code language with Sir William Cook and Sir Charles Wheatstone. They send information electronically between 2 (two) places the remote through the cable connecting the two places. Sending and receiving of information is capable of achieving a good margin and nearly happened at the same time. This discovery allows the information to be accepted and widely used by people with no blocked or restricted by distance and time.
In 1861 people were already thinking about how to display the information in the form of moving images in the media screen. The period was also moving images peroyeksikan onto a screen for the first time in use. This discovery is the forerunner of present-film technology.
In 1876 Melvyl Dewey Decimal develop sitem writing. In 1877 Alexander Graham Bell developed the telephone is used in general. That year was also high-speed photography was discovered by Edweard Maybridge. In 1899 was used in tape storage systems (tape) for the first magnetic.
c. In the 1900's period
Zvorkyn created in 1923 tube TV (Television) first. In 1940 the start of the development of science in the field of information during World War II that is used for the purpose of sending and receiving military documents that are stored in the form of magnetic tape. In 1945 Vannevar Bush developed a coding system using hypertext. In 1946 the world's first digital computer ENIAC I developed. In 1948 researchers at Bell Telephone develop transistors. In 1957 Jean Hoerni developed the planar transistor. This technology enables the development of millions and even billions of transistors incorporated into a small piece of silicon crystal.
USSR (Russia at that time) sputnik launch of the first artificial earth satellite who served as a spy. In return the U.S. to form ARPA (Advanced Research Projects Agency) under the authority of the Department of Defense to develop science and technology in the field of military information. In 1962 Rand Paul barand, of the RAND Corporation, was commissioned to develop a decentralized network system capable of controlling the system of bombings and missile launches in a nuclear war.
In 1969 the first network system formed by connecting 4 nodes (points), the University of California, SRI (Stanford), University of California of Santa Barbara, and the University of Utah with the power of 50Kbps. In 1972, Ray Tomlinson created the e-mail first. Year 1973 - 1990 term Internet was introduced in a paper on the TCP / IP (Transmission Control Protocol) and then made the development of a network protocol that became known as TCP / IP was developed by a group of DARPA.
In 1981, the National Science Foundation to develop a backbone called CSNET 56 Kbps capacity for each institution in the government. then in 1986 the IETF to develop a server that serves as a means of coordination among; DARPA, ARPANET, DDN and the Internet Gateway. Year 1991
business system in the IT field first occurs when CERN in overcoming operational costs and charge a fee from its members.
In 1992 the establishment of the Internet community, and the introduction of the term WWW (World Wide Web) by CERN. Year
1993 NSF InterNIC formed to provide services regarding internet directories and data storage, and databases (AT & T), registration services (Network Solutions Inc.), and nformation services (General Atomics / CERFnet). In 1994 the growth of the Internet drove very fast and began reaching into all aspects of human life and a part that can not be separated from the man. In 1995, public companies began to be allowed into the provider to purchase in the backbone network, these steps start the development of internet technologies, especially information and research to develop systems and tools that are more sophisticated.