June 18, 2011

Development of Operating Systems

Operating System or in English is called the Operating System (OS) is a set of programs that manage the hardware resources (hardware) computer, and provides common services for application software (software). The operating system is the most important type of system software in a computer system. Without the operating system, the user can not run an application program on their computer, unless the application program boot.
The operating system has a systematic scheduling includes memory usage calculation, data processing, data storage, and other resources.
In general, the Operating System is the software on the first layer is placed on the computer's memory when the computer is turned on. While other software is run after the operating system is running, and the OS will perform core public services for that software. Common core services such as access to the disk, memory management, task scheduling, and user interfaces. So that each software no longer have a common core tasks, because it can be served and performed by the operating system. Sections of code that perform core tasks and general called the "kernel" an Operating System.
In the mid-60s, the first operating system that can be used on all computers are IBM's OS/360. OS/360 is the first system that requires a mass storage device, like a hard drive.
In the late 60's emerging prototype for all operating systems that are currently available, namely Unix. In addition to windows, all existing operating systems like Linux, Mac OS X or Solaris Unix born. During the development phase many years, Unix has been doing a lot of updates that we know today, the file system, which is hierarchically divided into directories, a kernel to access the hardware through device drivers, memory virtualization Deceit file.
Operating System for your computer:
UNIX is a computer operating system that begins from the project Multics (Multiplexed Information and Computing Service) in 1965 by the American Telephone and Telegraph AT & T, General Electric (GE), and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), at a cost of U.S. Department of Defense ( Department of Defence Advanced Research Project, DARPA or ARPA), the UNIX operating system is designed as a portable, multi-tasking and multi-user. UNIX operating systems exist for the earliest computers. She is the mother of the linux operating system.
2. DOS or MS DOS (Microsoft Disk Operating System)
DOS Operating System is based on text mode and command-line (command-line) used on the PC. He was the forerunner of Microsoft Windows. Typically in the form of white text on a black background.
3. Windows
Microsoft Windows or better known as Windows is a family of personal computer operating systems developed by Microsoft that uses a graphical user interface or the graphical user interface (GUI).
The first version of Windows, Windows Graphic Environment 1.0, first introduced on 10 November 1983, but only out of the market in November 1985 designed to meet the needs of the computer to display a picture. Windows 1.0 is a software to 16-bit (not an operating system) running on top of MS-DOS (and some variants of MS-DOS), so he will not be able to run without the operating system DOS. Version 2.x, 3.x versions are the same. Some recent versions of Windows (starting from version 4.0 and Windows NT 3.1) is an independent operating system that no longer relies on the operating system MS-DOS. Microsoft Windows and can be developed and can be controlled using the operating system up to 90%.
4. MAC OS (Macintosh operating system)
MAC OS or Macintosh Operating System is Operating System created by Apple Computer specifically for Macintosh computers and is not compatible with IBM-based computers. MAC OS is the first operating system that uses a graphical user interface (Graphical User Interface / GUI).
Macinthos operating system is divided into 2 types:
1. MAC OS Classic
Do not have any Command Line (Command line), using the User Interface (UI) completely and use Cooperative Multitasking.
MAC OS X incorporate elements of BSD Unix, One Step, and MAC OS X has a Unix-style memory and pre-emptive multitasking.
MAC OS X is a line of computer operating system developed, marketed by Apple Inc, Mac OS X is the successor of the MAC OS (Classic). MAC OS X is built on top of xnu kernel, with standard Unix facilities available from the command line interface.