October 23, 2012

Media Communications by Online Questionnaire

As has been mentioned previously that the Online Questionnaire unwittingly has become a media in the communication process. In this case, we must assume that the questionnaire online medium used is the Internet or social media. However, the actual online questionnaire itself is a medium.
    If we associate with communication concept where there are 5 important aspects, namely Source, Message, Channel, Receiver, and the effect it is clear positions online questionnaire to  third aspect, namely Channel. Online questionnaire serves as a medium between the researchers who want to convey a message in the form of questions to be answered by the respondents so as to ensure the validity of the study. Online questionnaire is a channel that must be achieved in order to study the function can generate valid data so that any analysis made are accurate and have high credibility.

It should be reiterated that the deployment be confirmed online questionnaire can provide greater benefits than the distribution of questionnaires in person. More economical, can reach respondents with larger quantities without geographical restrictions online questionnaire made more effective.

    Online questionnaire in the end is a medium in the digital age requires other media to spread. The questionnaire is a method of doing research as time goes on following the  technology development. The applicability questioner online can we learn from studying technological determinism perspective where Internet technology is a channel of dissemination of online questionnaires makes data retrieval activity that usually is a complicated thing to be an easy thing. Society will increasingly clever in looking chance today and this will make them even more with the current technological developments. Seen how technology can change the lifestyle and can provide a choice in how we collect data in research.
    The role of social media becomes an important aspect related to the rapid spread of online questionnaires. It makes use of an online questionnaire to be spread. Social media is indirectly making a conscious existence Questionnaire Online community and ultimately make Online Questionnaire as a platform for actors in academia, especially in Indonesia. It is hoped this technology could continue to flourish academically in Indonesia so that the perpetrators can be more effectively used. Expected use of online questionnaires are not used as the only way to collect the data and do not make the conventional way of collecting questionnaires slowly disappear.

Written by Yehezkiel Jefferson