You can here to download PC Suite of Motorola® Droid / Tao A855. This Sync software are free and ready to download. I am also provide the alternative methods to connecting your Motorola® Droid / Tao A855 to PC. Please follow my three method instruction below to syncrhonize your phone to Windows 7, XP or Vista.
- you can using the Motorola® Device Manager contains USB drivers and software to connect your Motorola® Droid / Tao A855 to your computer via USB cable. Please Download Link and install to your pc.
- You can also sync your media to your device via USB with MotoCast Application. MotoCast keeps you connected to all your stuff from your Motorola® Droid / Tao A855. The link is : Click here to download.
- Try this method for get alternative sync to PC. There must two software that installed each on PC and on Phone. Download software installed on PC : Click Here . Then please download MyPhoneExplorer Client App which software installed on Motorola® Droid / Tao A855. You must find and install this from android market to get this : Click here. Please Launch the software that installed on your pc , then also launch the MyPhoneExplorer Client app on your Motorola® Droid / Tao A855 and click on OK or Enable and it will connect to the PC Automatically