August 22, 2011

Use of Mobile Phones Not Related to Brain Cancer

The risk of brain cancer cell phone users with non-users.According to the study, mobile phone use has nothing regarding an increased risk of brain most cancers.The debate about the risks of cellular phone use has been going on considering that last 20 years.Recent investigation from the Institute of Cancer malignancy Epidemiology in Denmark to record Three hundred and fifty thousand mobile phone users in the last 18 years.
The researchers concluded that the risk of possible brain most cancers among cell phone users using non-users have the same level.The conclusions, published in the British medical journal came after a group of similar studies with similar findings.
The reaction to these findings fluctuate. Some experts said the results of this study to make sure people, but some people inquired the way research is done. They do not involve the phone for business users, who rely intensely on mobile phones.However in addition there are studies that dubious mobile phone security.WHO put the chance of mobile phones in the same class as coffee. This means, don't let yourself be ruled out but can also be proved.
The Department of Well being still advises those younger than 16 to use a cell phone merely as needed and in a short time.Hazel Nunn, head of health information at Cancer Research British isles, said: "These results are the strongest facts yet that using a cell phone does not increase the risk of mind cancer or disrupt the particular nervous system of adults.Inches
As reported by the BBC, Professor Anders Ahlbom, coming from Sweden's Karolinska Institute, praised the study as well as said the findings of the scientists are quite convincing.
While Professor David Spiegelhalter, an expert on health risks from the University associated with Cambridge, UK, said, "The use of cell phones began to increase in 1995 and a comparison is started from the beginning."But there is no evidence of risk of mind tumors remains a very important proof," added Spiegelhalter. (Erabaru / BBC.Co.Uk / sua)