May 08, 2012

Social Impact of Cell Phone for Indonesian Student

Based on the research conducted for the majority of high school students said that they tend to invest a lot of time to use the services - facilities that may be within the mobile phone. In reality we often see that many adolescents are classified into your status of high school students utilize mobile phones more on the features - features that are available in it. They tend to spend their time winning contests facilities are available in the cellular phone, or can spend a long time - hours to listen to New music or use other establishments that often made is to be alone and tend to stay away from the community.
The one that happened in SMAN1(Senior High School of Indonesia)  Balige observed several cell phones containing movies student porn. Principal SMAN1 Balige described, had twice the trainer [BP] school raid into all school rooms. Raids carried out suddenly. Each H . p . students checked whether it includes pornographic images or movies. Turns out there, found virtually 10 phone containing adult film of short length. Among those arrested, there are also women student's cell phone.
One form of mitigation against the impact from the use of mobile phones is the launch behavior of students who do SMAN Several Kediri. According to Principal SMAN3 Kediri said "We tend not to intend to limit the use of connection technologies in schools. As the nature of the technology alone, progress is not possible unstoppable. A real policy is meant to be a miniscule filter, for the advancement of education and learning and the students themselves, "said Wahid. In addition, Wahid also denied that the plan was interpreted as a functional measure for the failure involving schools balance the development of technology. "Schools are not allergic to communication technology. However, in its software, the school is responsible for the meaning development of students' use of engineering related to the rampant irregularities kemunikasi this, "elaknya. That is why, further Wahid, a policy is still in communicative threshold between schools, parents, and students. "Basic policy is to prohibit college students bring and or operate the HP in the school environment for teaching and learning take place. And we don't prohibit students keep Horsepower on the seat of a motorbike and turn it after university. Fixed no sanctions regarding violators, but the shape is also steady, and involve parents, "he included. The policy is also part of SMAN 3 research on the effect regarding presence or absence of HP and its relationship to the continuing development of student learning. Initial analysis was initiated over three years, by comparing the qualities of the students before and after the insurance policy. However, this policy does not affect teachers and staff, which in turn made its own rules. "Teachers will in the end remain a role model. By ebab that, although not subject to this plan, there is a rule that says lecturers may bring and use HP's in school, only in places certain.