April 03, 2012

Facebook Network : Technology Determinism

Purpose of this approach is the authors do not favor moderate only on the technology (technology determinism) or only in favor of the socio-cultural approach (social determinism culture) only. However, this near be moderate,Technological determinism said that communications technology is just technology. That using the technology will not make a person cool or modern  (Friedman, 2007). This approach shows balance between technology and social determinism determinism culture. This approach is not to be rejected on the technology but also not fully support this technology, but rather on a combination of resist and support the technology.

With so many social networking sites are emerging, people have many options to choose which social networking sites are used with high frequency levels. The choices made can be done unconsciously.
The presence of social networking websites will affect the existence of Facebook in the future. Associated with the presence of many social networking sites, it is not certain that Facebook will have this level of popularity as it is now. How the existence of Facebook in the future due to the many social networking sites; would appear depending on how Facebook address this. If Facebook addressing the presence of many Facebook with do various ways as it did until now.   Facebook will remain popular, but if Facebook just stay quiet and give content from Facebook, which is much less likely  Facebook can maintain its popularity.
Facebook has been able to survive remains popular among the people of Indonesia although there are plenty of emerging social networking such as Twitter one of them is because Facebook always do a lot of innovation in it to rival Twitter. Innovations tend to be similar to what is shown by Facebook.
Twitter at the time brought some different content than the content that is on Facebook. The novelty of Twitter is definitely considered by the people of Indonesia. The innovation is done by Facebook to make Facebook the same as his favorite twitte if Twitter were a positive evaluation by the people of Indonesia. This is because there is a deliberate resemblance to Facebook.
During this time many innovations that have been done by Facebook. The innovations that have been done up until now is one thing that affects the survival of Facebook popularity among the people of Indonesia.
The persistence of Facebook by doing a variety of innovations form the basis for predicting how the Facebook popularity  in the future. Social networking sites, will continue to emerge and people will consider which one is better. Innovation needed Facebook to make it hard to win the lost interest from the public. Without innovation, Facebook will be judged as being left behind when compared to other social networking sites that have new content..(MARNIDA JS)