December 23, 2011

How to Revoke IC Engines In Phone

Here is tips to revoke  IC Engine on phone :
  1. The first step on how to open the IC engine phone, by mobile phone on the PGA Tool pinch, taking into account the point of placement of the IC to be in the lift. This tool is also useful to facilitate mounting the IC on the back.
  2. Please prepare solder fumes, by setting the appropriate temperature from 300 C to 350 C temperature setting on the pressure level 3,
  3. then note the placement of solder fumes on the diameter of the components that will be revoked, must be adapted to the physical components that will be revoked.
  4. coat with liquid components songka until evenly wrapped around the component, suggested half the diameter of solder fumes from the IC pin spacing of components ranging from 1 cm, do soldering with a soldering fumes slowly after a minute visible component parts will dry up at the same time, determine the component with tweezers and lift the IC solder vapors while evaporating with the circled part IC to IC lifted.
  5. After IC lifted, then clean the IC with liquid IPA, then coat IC with solder paste, and solder wiped out flat with regular elements, then do it carefully so that the position of the IC come apart.
  6. Clean the back part of the IC with liquid IPA using a brush and dry again with solder fumes.
    It is recommended for beginners to coat the sides of the IC with masking tape, then adjust couples diameter pin count IC with IC plates so that components do not change position when the blower.
  7. When all was ready quality molten lead spread evenly on the foot area in print make sure the liquid is at the plate IC.
  8. Prepare tweezers press and hold the top of the little plates, then Blou with solder fumes. this condition should be used with hot temperatures ranged 300 C with air pressure 2.5 and perform evenly in the area with solder fumes funnel distances ranging from 2 cm.
  9. Once the molten lead turned into the print of the new pin if the legs of the IC is ready and scrape the legs with a knife IC IC until evenly over the plates,
  10. try the feet should be flat from the pin mold. after repeated until the average then memblou IC legs look back, at this stage of the process of formation of the IC has been completed.
    IC retracted that have been printed in the IC legs pull from the mold using a pointy tweezers IC must be very careful.
  11. clean IC has printed his legs with liquid IPA, now it looks new IC legs are ready to be installed back on your mobile machine.