August 25, 2011

History of Computer Software

History of Computer Software is divided into several eras Pioneer Era, Stable, Micro, and Modern. Here is the History of Computer Software:
1. Pioneer Era.

In this Pioneer Era form of computer software in the beginning is that the connections between the inner cable into the computer, How to access a computer using punched card is a card that is in the holes. The use of the computer when it was done directly, a program used to a certain machine for a particular purpose. In this era of computer software is an integral part of a computer hardware.
2. Stable Era.

In this era of Stable command lines are run by computer software computer is no longer the only one, but it's been done many processes simultaneously (multi-tasking). Computer Software in this era also able to complete a lot of users (multi-user) and rapid / immediate (real time). In this era, too, starting at the known database system, which is split between programs and data .3
3. Micro Era.

In this era of micro-computer software can be divided into several sections, namely Software Systems (Windows, Linux, Macintosh, etc.), Software Application (Ms.Office, OpenOffice, etc.) and Languange Software / Programming Languages ​​(Assembler, Visual Basic, Delphi, etc. )
4. Modern Era.

In this modern era of computer software is not only a computer but to a mobile phone has also been equipped with a software system such as Android, Symbian, etc.. Level of intelligence shown by the computer software is increasing, in addition to technical problems, the computer software is now also beginning to recognize the voice and images.