May 23, 2011

Computer Software

Computer software is a collection of the instructions or statements in the form of stacking logic and code that can only be understood by the computer's computer.Software gradually increase or change from year to year in its development.
Most people now divides the computer into two parts. The first part is the hardware which is a physical device that is in the computer. And the second part is computer software, which tells the hardware what to do and how to do it. If the computer is likened to that of living things, the hardware is the body like the eyes to see, lungs for breathing and other body parts, while the software or software described as intelligence, such as the eye sees the image processing, ordered the hands to lift objects, and forcing the body to breathe using lungs.
Computer software was developed so that the binary can be a way to tell the computer hardware to do its job. Computer software translates and directs computer users to understand about what can be done by the computer hardware.
Most of the computer software created by programmers using the language programing. Programmer write commands in a programming language like the language used by the people in general in doing discussion.  command called "Source Code." Other computer programs called compilers used on source code, and then convert the command into a language that can be understood by computer.Dan result is called an executable program (EXE).